Cloud-Based Insurance Management Database System

The cloud-based database built around the SaleFaith CRM system will manage your clients, policy documentation, insurers, brokers, renewals, finance, reports, bordereaux in a multi-currency, multi-tax cloud based environment.

Configuration allows for multiple offices each with multiple bank accounts to accommodate multi-currency payments. Exchange rates entry allows for financial analysis across all policies and customers.

Made For You

Modular policy management to accommodate your products and plans, policy numbering per product range, commission calculations, one click Excel and bordereaux files, customised forms and reports.

Policy Maintenance

Customised to accommodate your specific insurance products or plans, annual premium updates, master documentation

Policy Documentation

Created from templates setup in Microsoft Word, populated from policy records into editable Word files, auto PDF generation

Policy Management

Policy details, premium, commission, MTAs, endorsements and tax across multiple countries, currencies and tax rates.


Renewals due, renewal invitations, chasers, lapsed chasers, single-click policy renewals with automatic mid term adjustment inclusion


Payment schedule, payment processing, receipts, banking, outstanding debtors, claims paid, underwriter payments.


Bordereaux, commission statements, liability, claims, exporting to Excel, powerful ad-hoc reporting