Database Reporting and Searching

Unlike many database systems, information can be extracted from SaleFaith products without having to write queries or bespoke reports.

An inbuilt find system allows any field, or combination of fields to be searched. The numeric results are displayed with the subset of records that meet the search criteria, which can subsequently be expanded, constrained and sorted. Fields can be selected from these records and exported to Excel, CSV or text file.

Repetitive and complex reports can be automated using customisable criteria and be button driven, which can be printed, saved as PDF files or exported.

Finding/Searching and Reports

The standard Find feature allows AND/OR searches and includes many operators to increase the flexibility such as 'greater/less than', 'between', 'duplicates' and 'like' and 'exact' matches.

Each resulting find can subsequently be refined by an expansion or contraction of the original search.

A powerful scripting language and customised screens allow for auotmated reports that can subsequently be printed, saved as PDFs or exported to Excel, csv or text files